Wednesday, March 09, 2005

I'm not even kidding...

If you send me Cadbury creme eggs, I will send you Hello Kitty toilet paper.

Send me e-mail to the address at the bottom of the sidebar, and we can discuss details.


Emily K said...

I've tried chocolate and caramel, and wasn't a huge fan of either, but I do enjoy the traditional ones, and I think I might like the peppermint ones (though I'd never heard of them before you mentioned it), so I'll take both of those.

Traditional and Peppermint. Yum!

K said...

I've got one!! Here in Japan!! A friend sent me one (traditional) and I can't stand them. It's all yours. Coming to Gotsu anytime soon? Or maybe you know someone who is coming this way?

Emily K said...

Wow. Hamada's as far south as I've ever been in Shimane, and that for the English Camp in January.

/me checks her map.

Huh. I guess that means I have been through Gotsu. I hardly saw it, though; it was cold and rainy and all I wanted to do was get back home.

I've been trying to think of something to do during the three-day weekend upcoming. Maybe a road trip is in order.

Cadbury creme eggs aren't exactly my idea of yumdelish, but lately I've been hankering for a taste of home and Easter goodness.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, I can't stand creme eggs either. It's like eating sicky sweet goop. But HK toilet paper would be cooool. :D I'll email you.