As you may have noticed from
recent posts, I've been having a bit of a font problem whenever I blockquote something.
<blockquote>This is an example of something I might blockquote.</blockquote>
which then displays as:
This is an example of something I might blockquote.
So that was fine, but notice now this text. See how it's bigger than the text I entered above the blockquote? It's driving me nuts, frankly. And the good folks at Blogger can't figure it out, either. I e-mailed them, and this was their official response (three days later):
Thanks for writing in. Currently, Blogger Support does not support general CSS & HTML questions. Please see our Blogger Help article for details:
This problem may also be a problem specific to the Blogger template. Our engineers will look further into this problem and resolve it if it is a problem with Blogger.
I tried changing the font size after the blockquote to "2" (whatever that corresponds to), and the font itself is just about right, but the spacing between the lines is smaller, so it's not really a solution, as far as I'm concerned.
So if anyone out there can help me figure out what the problem is, I will be terribly grateful.
Thank you and goodnight.